
It’s Time for Some Self-Love—Here Are 6 Ways Masturbation Is Good for You

A little self-love could be the cure to what ails you. Here, an expert shares how masturbation can help your health.

4 Ways the Pandemic Has Taken a Toll on Our Bodies

The pandemic has added so much more stress to our lives, and our bodies are reacting to it in many...

7 Ways Kids Can Make You Healthier

Stressed and overworked? Take lessons from the kids to improve balance in your life

Why We Undereat When We’re Stressed

Ignoring your hunger cues won’t make you more productive.

11 Foods That Have Extra Healing Power When You Need It

Did you know that asparagus can help fight cognitive decline and depression? Or that beets help increase blood flow throughout...

Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure? What Heart Doctors Need You to Know

High levels of stress can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Here's how to reduce stress...

This Is the Most Relaxing Hobby You Can Take Up

Here's a simple, anxiety-soothing way to unwind — and a few more options if that's not the stress reliever you...

Could Laughter Be the Best Medicine for Stress and Anxiety?

In these unprecedented days of stress and anxiety, here's an unlikely outlet: Improv. No, really! Here's why it works.

10 Ways to Sneak Meditation into Your Everyday Life

Whether your stress is job-related or related to the coronavirus pandemic, or both, daily meditation can help you cope without...

Bad Stress vs. Good Stress: 9 Ways to Know the Difference

Everyone focuses on the negative side of stress, but some stress is actually good for you. Here's how to tell...

How Wellness Experts Cope With Coronavirus-Related Stress

Check the news only twice a day, call your family, and… make your bed? Here are all the ways experts...

13 Signs You Could Have Secondhand Stress

Stress is contagious, and being around certain people can set off your stress response, even when your own life is...

9 Silent Signs You’re Not Taking Good Care of Yourself

Things you brush off on a daily basis may actually be signs that you're not taking such great care of...

12 Stress “Facts” Psychologists Need You to Stop Believing

People have a lot of mistaken assumptions about stress—from how common it is to how dangerous it can be.

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How Mindfulness Can Ward Off Stress

There’s no avoiding the pressures of modern life, but that doesn’t mean you have to become its victim. Here’s how...

4 Strategies For Making Investing Less Stressful

First step: Don't try to time the market.

What Happens to Your Brain in a Crisis

Losing your cool when the unexpected happens can have 
dire results. But you can train 
your mind to handle chaos.

7 Reasons You Had a Sleepless Night

If you're still struggling to catch enough shut-eye, one or more of these sleep stealers may be to blame.

What Really Happens to Your Body When You’re Stressed

When the external demands leave you stressed to the max, internal chaos reigns.

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help Improve Your Fitness

Acupuncture is widely used in North America to treat a range of ailments. Turns out, it can also help boost...

Be Healthier in 2019 — It Just Takes A 15-Minute Commitment

Make this your healthiest year ever! We spoke with a naturopathic doctor to find out her top tips.

Why a Jigsaw Puzzle Could Be the Best Antidote For Your Anxiety

Jigsaw puzzles, the ultimate parlour activity of yore, are gaining popularity as a 21st century way to deal with stress.

8 Weird Symptoms You Didn’t Know Were Linked to Stress

Stress shows up in some unusual ways.

Why You’re Probably Breathing the Wrong Way

Good breathing is a major component of good health, yet many of us spend our lives taking too-shallow breaths that...

Stressed? Anxious? Of Course There’s an App for That

Technology may occasionally contribute to your stress, but it can also be a valuable resource. These are the top 15...

12 Proven Ways to Boost Your Body Image in 10 Minutes or Less

It's hard to pull yourself out of a body-loathing funk, but our proven tips from experts will give your body...

Adaptogens: Why These Superherbs Are Getting Major Hype in the Wellness World

Everything you need to know about adaptogens — including how and when to take them.

This Common Type of Stress Can Literally Give You a Heart Attack

Everyone knows that stress is bad for your heart. But one kind of stress in particular is associated with a...

4 Tips for Dealing with Anxiety So It Doesn’t Take Over Your Life

If anxiety is a regular presence in your life, it may be time to develop some coping strategies.

How Katie Holmes Got in Ass-Kicking Shape — Physically and Mentally

And the reason had nothing to do with fitting into her jeans.

Understanding Stress Inside and Out

It's possible to minimize the impact of stress with these key tools.